Frequently Asked Questions
This document is a copy of ARC's What Have You Heard? Where
a series of related questions follow a statement beginning "I've heard that.."
What Have You Heard?
- Prepared by ARC (B.C.), 1991, Victoria, B.C. Thanks to Mavis
Giilie for all her work.
Today the Aboriginal people and other Canadians stand on opposite
shores of a wide river of mistrust and misunderstanding. Each continues to search through
the mist for a clear reflection in the waters along the opposite shore. If we are truly to
resolve the issues that separate us, that tear at the heart of this great country, Canada,
and this great province of British Columbia, then we must each retrace our steps through
our history to the source of our misperception and misconception of each other's truth.
The challenge is to define, clearly, new visions and pragmatic mechanisms that will allow
our cultural realities to survive and co-exist. We must seek out those narrow spots near
the river's source where our hands may be joined as equal and honourable partners in a new
Rod Robinson, Nisga'a
Question set 1: Land claims
set 2: "Special treatment"
set 3: Native title
set 4: Native goals and organizations
set 5: Living conditions
set 6: Resource use
Question set
7: Legal status
Question set
8: Taxes
Question set
9: Native culture
For questions about ARC, refer to What is ARC?