Works CitedCassidy, Frank. After Native Claims? Lantzville, B.C. : Oolichan Books,1988. Corner and Bethune-Johnson. Native People and Explorers of Canada. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1984. Cumming, Peter A. and Mickenberg, Neil H. Native Rights in Canada. Toronto: Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada, 1972. Duff, Wilson. The Indian History of British Columbia, Volume 1. "The Impact of the White Man." Anthropology in British Columbia Memoir No. 5: Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology, 1964. Fisher, Robin. Contact and Conflict. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1977. Fisher, Robin. "Joseph Trutch and the Indian Land Policy." Historical Essays on British Columbia. ed. J. Friesen and H.K Ralston. Toronto: Gage Publishing, 1980. Tennant, Paul. Aboriginal Peoples and Politics: The Indian Land Question in B.C. 1849-1989. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1990. |