SURVEY OF PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL POLITICIANS: THE NISGAA TREATY October 16, 1998 Dear MP or MLA: The Aboriginal Rights Coalition (ARC) is a partnership of community and social justice groups, churches and First Nations. The Coalition is primarily concerned with achieving just solutions, preferably by negotiations, to unresolved aboriginal issues in Canada. ARC recognizes that you have an important responsibility in deciding whether the Nisgaa Treaty should be ratified. In our view, the public deserves to know MLA and MP perspectives on the Nisgaa Treaty. Accordingly, the Victoria branch of ARC is asking that you complete the attached survey, and fax or mail it to the address found at the end of the survey. The deadline for submitting responses is November 15, 1998. After November 15, 1998, we will present the survey results to the media and the public. Our press release announcing the survey is attached for your information. PLEASE NOTE: IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE A COMPLETED SURVEY BY NOVEMBER 15, 1998, YOUR LACK OF RESPONSE WILL BE RECORDED IN OUR PUBLIC ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. Sincerely, SURVEY OF PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL POLITICIANS: THE NISGAA TREATY Name of MP or MLA:_______________________________________________ Riding:___________________________________________________________ Questions:
Yes_____ No_____ Undecided_____ In favour of the Treaty____ Against____ Undecided_____ Yes____ No____ Undecided_____ ________________________________________________________________ Why? _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (Use separate page if necessary) _____________________________________________________________ Why? ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (Use separate page if necessary) Yes_____ No_____ Undecided_____ Do you believe that the federal government should enact legislation to limit the scope of the Delagamuukw decision? Yes_____ No_____ Undecided_____
If you responded "yes" to the above question, which aspects of the decision should be limited? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Please fax or mail the responses to: The Aboriginal Rights Coalition of Victoria