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aboriginal person:
A catch-all phrase to include native, Indian, Metis, Innuit, First Nations. The Constitution defines the aboriginal population as Indian, Inuit, and Metis
aboriginal title to the land:
Aboriginal title has not been precisely defined but it inclues the right to occupy and enjoy traditional lands (see Calder case). It includes the right to hunt and fish but it is not clear if that includes the right to fish and hunt commercially.
Native people were forced into bands by the federal government. Bands and reserves were created in order to make it easy for the federal government to control native people. The apartheid regime of South Africa later created a similar system to control blacks.
comprehensive land claim:
A land claim involving lands not covered by a pre-existing treaty
fee-simple title:
Absolute title to possession of land including occupancy, use, and sale. It is the highest form of common law title. Every property held in fee-simple title is subject to the federal government's underlying title.
1) A member of any of the peoples who are the original inhabitants of the western hemisphere south of the Arctic coast region
2) A member of any of the peoples who are the original inhabitants of the western hemisphere (Canadian Supreme Court 19??)
The Indian Act:
The laws that govern status Indians. The courts established Innuit as Indians and therefore falling under the Act in 19??.
A nation of aboriginal people living in Labrador
Peoples of the Arctic (previously epitaphed as Eskimos)
A person of mixed French or Scotish western Canadian fur trader heritage and aboriginal heritage
native person:
Usually used for an aboriginal person who is neither Innuit or Metis
non-status Indian:
A person who is not registered as an "Indian" with federal government but whose ethnicity is native
South Island Regional Advisory Committee. A group of third party organizations (sectors) which monitors treaty negotiations on south Vancouver Island, and which consults with Federal and Provincial treaty negotiators. Most sectors represent various industries (such as forestry and mining). ARC represents a sector called "Justice and Community."
specific land claim:
A land claim involving lands where a specific treaty, agreement, or statute has been violated
status Indian:
A person who is registered as an "Indian" with the federal government
title to the land:
Except where treaties have not been signed with aboriginal peoples, the federal government has the underlying title to all land
tribal council:
An administrative entity composed of bands. Encouraged by the federal government but not mandatory